Theoretical Models of Ultra-Cool Objects (Brown Dwarfs and Free-Floating Planets) Including Water Latent Heat Effect: Thermal Structure, Spectra, and Photometry

  • Tyler Robinson (Contributor)
  • Mark S. Marley (Contributor)
  • Natasha E. Batalha (Contributor)
  • Roxana E. Lupu (Contributor)
  • L. Prato (Contributor)



OVERVIEW Data presented here are from the work of Tang et al. (2021), which present a one-dimensional (vertical) atmospheric structure model for ultra-cool objects that includes moist adiabatic convection (water latent heat release effect). Model grids across a range of effective temperatures (350, 300, 250, 200 K), metallicities ([M/H] of 0.0, 0.5, 0.7, 1.5), and gravities (logg of 4.0, 4.5, 4.7, 5.0) that mimic the atmosphere condition of Y-class brown dwarf and Free-Floating Planets. ATMOSPHERIC THERMAL STRUCTURE The pressure-temperature profile are saved under the ./pT_profiles/, which have two folders: pT_profile_dry_adiabat: for dry adiabatic treatment. pT_profile_moist_adiabat: for moist adiabatic treatment. File name of each compressed files gives the effective temperature (Teff, in Kelvin), gravity (in MKS), and metallicity (in [M/H]) information as for example: t200g100nc_m0.0.cmp.gz --> Teff of 200K, gravity as 100 m/s2, and [M/H]=0.0. The table formate of the pressure-temperature profile, i.e., the .cmp files, is made to work with the [PICASO software]( Each .cmp file contains Column 01 (x) : atmosphere pressure level Column 02 (pressure) : atmosphere pressure in bar Column 03 (DEN) : atmosphere density in cm^{-3} Column 04 (temperature) : atmosphere temperature in kelvin Column 05-14 : molecule mixing ratios for H2, He, CH4, H2O, NH3, CO, PH3, H2S, N2, CO2 Column 15 (MU) : mean molecular weight in grams/mole SPECTRA Model spectra are saved under the ./spectra/ with wavelength ranging from 1 to 30 micron. File name of each compressed file gives the effective temperature (Teff, in Kelvin), gravity (in MKS), metallicity (in [M/H]), adiabatic treatment, and the resolving power information as for example: sp_t200_g100_m0.0_dry_R3000.csv.gz --> Teff of 200K, gravity as 100 m/s2, [M/H]=0.0, with dry adiabatic treatment, and R=3000. Each spetrum .cv file contains two columns: Column 01 wavelength [micron] Column 02 Flux [W/m2/micron], the spectral fluxes are given at the top of the atmosphere, taken to be 1 Jupiter radius. PHOTOMETRY Photometry data derived from the spectra at the top of the atmosphere (assuming one Jupiter radius) are given in the syn_photometry.csv. Photometry filters are from the Mauna Kea Observatory (MKO) photometry system, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), and the Spitzer Space Telescope. Filter profiles and Vega magnitude zero points are from the [SVO Filter Profile Service]( Column 01 (gravity) , gravity in MKS Column 02 (teff) , effective temperature in Kelvin Column 03 ([M/H]) , metallicity Column 04-12 , photometry magnitude for IRAC36, IRAC45, W1, W2, GiminiM, MKO_J, MKO_H, MKO_K, MKO_Lp all in Vega system. Column 13 (adiabatic), adiabatic treatment; D: dry adiabatic, M: moist adiabatic CREDITS Please cite Tang et al. (2021, Astrophysical Journal, in press.) [ADS link]( if you used data here in your research.
Date made availableJul 28 2021

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