The Polar Vortex Hypothesis Atmosphere Model



This code generates the spectrophotometric simulation supporting the Polar Vortex Hypothesis paper of Fuda N. and Apai D. (2024). This code is not subjected to guaranteed maintenance, and we encourage users to reach out for potential collaboration if they are interested in usage of the code. Folder structure: PolarVortice/ Create brightness array, bands/zone geometry, and photometry for fixed phase offsets. Output flux files. PolarVortice/ Similar as above but with randomized phase offsets for every run. Output flux files. PolarVortice/Notebooks_5hour: Create spetral cube from flux files; and plotting routines for short-duration monitoring (5 hours). PolarVortice/Notebooks_60hour: Create spetral cube from flux files; and plotting routines for long-duration monitoring (6 hours). PolarVortice/spitzerData: Contain Spitzer data for color-inclination trend (Vos et al. 2017) and variability-inclination trend (Vos et al. 2020) data/spectras: Contain Sonora-Diamonback binned spectra. Usage: Requirements: python>3.7.0, mayavi, pickle, h5py, sklearn, scipy, matplotlib Start: Run PolarVortice/ with a set of atmospheres geometry and phase-offsets Use PolarVortice/ for randomized phase-offsets To save flux files, disable TEST: TEST = False Choose a modulation configuration and time-array configuration Use notebooks in PolarVortice/Notebooks_[...] to generate spectral cube and create simulated analysis.
Date made availableSep 28 2024

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