Straub, P. B. (Creator), Jaffe, D. E. (Creator), Glass, H. D. (Creator), Adams, M. R. (Creator), Brown, C. N. (Creator), Charpak, G. (Creator), Cooper, W. E. (Creator), Crittenden, J. A. (Creator), Finley, D. A. (Creator), Gray, R. (Creator), Hemmi, Y. (Creator), Hsiung, Y. B. (Creator), Hubbard, J. R. (Creator), Jonckheere, A. M. (Creator), Jostlein, H. (Contributor), Kaplan, D. M. (Creator), Lederman, L. M. (Creator), Luk, K. B. (Creator), Maki, A. (Creator), Ph, M. (Creator), McCarthy, R. L. (Creator), Miyake, K. (Creator), Plaag, R. E. (Creator), Rutherfoord, J. P. (Creator), Sakai, Y. (Creator), Santiard, J. C. (Creator), Sauli, F. (Creator), Smith, S. R. (Creator), Yoshida, T. (Creator), Young, K. K. (Creator) (
1992). "Table 24" of "Particle ratios of high x(t) hadrons in p A interactions at s**(1/2) = 38.8-GeV.". HEPData.