We have compiled additional properties for the SDSS-RM sample in several ancillary catalogs. Below are the notes on these supplemental catalogs. There are .readme files for each additional catalog. We also include the quality assurance plots for the global spectral fits. The full set of 849 quality assessment plots for the global spectral fitting. Each plot includes a top panel showing the continuum (brown) and Fe II (blue) model components; the red line is the sum of the two. The cyan diamonds are pixels masked as absorption or bad pixels. The gray brackets near the top of the panel indicate the windows used for the continuum+Fe II fit. The bottom panels present the emission line fits for five line complexes. allqso_sdssrm.fits A FITS table of all 1214 known quasars in the 7 square degree SDSS-RM field. Only 849 of them received a fiber in the SDSS-RM spectroscopy. This table lists the basic target information of these quasars. QSObased_Expanded_SDSSRM_107.fits The narrow MgII/FeII absorber catalog for SDSS-RM quasars, following the methodology outlined in Zhu & Ménard (2013). Each entry corresponds to one quasar. The search for narrow absorbers includes systems that have absorber redshift close to the quasar systemic redshift (|dz|0.04 and also redward of CIV by dz>0.02 are of high purity. MgII absorbers with |dz|
Date made available | Feb 14 2019 |
Publisher | ZENODO |