Stellar properties of observed stars stripped in binaries in the Magellanic Clouds - Spectral Models

  • Ylva Götberg (Contributor)
  • M. R. Drout (Contributor)
  • A. P. Ji (Contributor)
  • J. H. Groh (Contributor)
  • B. A. Ludwig (Contributor)
  • Paul Crowther (Contributor)
  • Nathan Smith (Contributor)
  • Alex De Koter (Contributor)
  • S. E. De Mink (Contributor)



This Zenodo repository is one of three Zenodo repositories related to the article "Stellar properties of observed stars stripped in binaries in the Magellanic Clouds" by Y. Götberg, M.R. Drout, A.P. Ji, J.H. Groh, B.A. Ludwig, P.A. Crowther, N. Smith, A. de Koter, and S.E. de Mink. In the article, we analyze the optical spectra of ten stars and measure their stellar properties using spectral fitting. This repository contains the full spectral model grid computed using the 1D non-LTE radiative transfer code CMFGEN (see Hillier & Miller 1998 and The grid spans three parameters: temperature, surface gravity, and surface hydrogen mass fraction (which also sets the surface helium mass fraction; Y = 1 - X - Z). See Section 4.1 for more details. Below, we describe the content presented here in more detail: 0_ReadMe.txt: A text file where we describe some more details regarding the content. S41_spectral_model_grid_parameters.txt (95 KB): A table containing relevant parameter information for each model in the spectral model grid presented in Section 4.1. S41_spectra_spectral_model_grid.tar.gz (479MB): A .tar.gz containing the spectral energy distributions and normalized spectra in a text file for each model. The full CMFGEN models are provided as well (see below). This .tar.gz becomes 3.2 GB when inflated. Complete CMFGEN models for the full spectral model grid. Because of the size of these models, we group them into tarballs with one surface hydrogen mass fraction and one effective temperature, labeled for example XHs0.01_T40000.tar.gz (that is, this tarball contains a set of models with different surface gravity). Each of these have a size of ~1-3GB and when inflated the total content is ~5GB, and each model has about 500MB.
Date made availableJul 4 2023

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