
Soil solution samples in the Santa-Catalina Mountain field sites of the Catalina-Jemez Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) are collected with three types of soil solution samples: i) Prenart Super Quartz suction cups ( and ii) SoilMoisture suction cups (SoilMoisture Equipment Corp., Santa Barbara, CA) and iii) custom made zero-tension sampler (Hinckley et al., 2008). Prenart suction cups are optimized for all chemistry analyses and were installed without addition of Si-slurry to allow for artifact-free Si analyses. Applied suction for each Prenart is ~ 50kPa and SoilMoisture suction cups are sampled with a suction of 70-80kpa. Both suction cup types are optimized for all chemistry analyses with the exception of dissolved organic matter in the case of the SoilMoisture ones (due to potential sorption of DOM on the porous ceramic material). Zero-tension samplers are optimized for water flux determination at saturated flow and sampling for various chemistry analyses. In Marshall Gulch there are 8 SoilMoisture suction cups in the schist site and 7 in the granite site in both convergent and divergent landscape positions. These soil solution samplers are co-located with piezometers measuring water table depth within the soil profile. In the Oracle Ridge site there are 8 pits each equipped with 2 Prenarts and 1 SoilMoisture ceramic cup lysimeter. These samplers are co-located with Decagon Em5b data loggers with EC-5 soil moisture sensors and ECT soil temperature sensors. The B2 Desert site Schist and a Granite sites are both equipped with 7 zero-tension samplers (Hinckley et al., 2008) in both divergent and convergent landscape positions as well one SoilMoisture ceramic cup lysimeter. These samplers are co-located with Decagon Em5b data loggers with EC-5 soil moisture sensors and ECT soil temperature sensors.
Date made availableFeb 16 2018
PublisherInterdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA)
Geospatial Point32.556311, -110.840831Show on map

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