RAPID input and output files corresponding to "River Network Routing on the NHDPlus Dataset"

  • D. R. Maidment (Contributor)
  • Zong L. Yang (Contributor)
  • Cédric H. David (Contributor)
  • Guo-Yue Niu (Contributor)
  • F. Habets (Contributor)
  • Victor Eijkhout (Contributor)



Corresponding peer-reviewed publication This dataset corresponds to all the RAPID input and output files that were used in the study reported in: David, Cédric H., David R. Maidment, Guo-Yue Niu, Zong-Liang Yang, Florence Habets and Victor Eijkhout (2011), River Network Routing on the NHDPlus Dataset, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 12(5), 913-934. DOI: 10.1175/2011JHM1345.1. When making use of any of the files in this dataset, please cite both the aforementioned article and the dataset herein. Time format The times reported in this description all follow the ISO 8601 format. For example 2000-01-01T16:00-06:00 represents 4:00 PM (16:00) on Jan 1st 2000 (2000-01-01), Central Standard Time (-06:00). Additionally, when time ranges with inner time steps are reported, the first time corresponds to the beginning of the first time step, and the second time corresponds to the end of the last time step. For example, the 3-hourly time range from 2000-01-01T03:00+00:00 to 2000-01-01T09:00+00:00 contains two 3-hourly time steps. The first one starts at 3:00 AM and finishes at 6:00AM on Jan 1st 2000, Universal Time; the second one starts at 6:00 AM and finishes at 9:00AM on Jan 1st 2000, Universal Time. Data sources The following sources were used to produce files in this dataset: The National Hydrography Dataset Plus (NHDPlus) Version 1, obtained from http://www.horizon-systems.com/nhdplus. The National Water Information System (NWIS), obtained from http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis. Outputs from a simulation using the community Noah land surface model with multiparameterization options (Noah-MP, Niu et al. 2011, http://www.jsg.utexas.edu/noah-mp). The simulation was run by Guo-Yue Niu, and produced 3-hourly time steps from 2004-01-01T00:00+00:00 to 2008-01-01T00:00+00:00. Further details on the inputs and options used for this simulation are provided in David et al. (2011). Software The following software were used to produce files in this dataset: The Routing Application for Parallel computation of Discharge (RAPID, David et al. 2011, http://rapid-hub.org), Version 1.0.0. Further details on the inputs and options used for this series of simulations are provided below and in David et al. (2011). ESRI ArcGIS (http://www.arcgis.com). Microsoft Excel (https://products.office.com/en-us/excel). CUAHSI HydroGET (http://his.cuahsi.org/hydroget.html). The GNU Compiler Collection (https://gcc.gnu.org) and the Intel compilers (https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-compilers). Study domain The files in this dataset correspond to two study domains: The combination of the San Antonio and Guadalupe River Basins, TX. RAPID can only use the river reaches of NHDPlus that have a known flow direction and focus is made on these reaches here (a total of 5,175). The temporal range corresponding to this domain is from 2004-01-01T00:00-06:00 to 2007-12-31 T00:00-06:00. The Upper Mississippi River Basin. RAPID can only use the river reaches of NHDPlus that have a known flow direction and focus is made on these reaches here (a total of 182,240). The temporal range corresponding to this domain spans 100 fictitious days. Description of files for the San Antonio and Guadalupe River Basins All files below were prepared by Cédric H. David, using the data sources and software mentioned above. rapid_connect_San_Guad.csv. This CSV file contains the river network connectivity information and is based on the unique IDs of NHDPlus reaches (the COMIDs). For each river reach, this file specifies: the COMID of the reach, the COMID of the unique downstream reach, the number of upstream reaches with a maximum of four reaches, and the COMIDs of all upstream reaches. A value of zero is used in place of NoData. The river reaches are sorted in increasing value of COMID. The values were computed using a combination of the following NHDPlus fields: COMID, DIVERGENCE, FROMNODE and TONODE. This file was prepared using ArcGIS and Excel. m3_riv_San_Guad_2004_2007_cst.nc. This netCDF file contains the 3-hourly accumulated inflows of water (in cubic meters) from surface and subsurface runoff into the upstream point of each river reach. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_San_Guad.csv. The time range for this file is from 2004-01-01T00:00-06:00 to 2007/12/31T18:00-06:00. The values were computed by superimposing a 900-m gridded map of NHDPlus catchments to the outputs of Noah-MP. This file was prepared using ArcGIS and a Fortran program. kfac_San_Guad_1km_hour.csv. This CSV file contains a first guess of Muskingum k values (in seconds) for all river reaches. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_San_Guad.csv. The values were computed based on the following NHDPlus fields: COMID, LENGTHKM, Equation (13) in David et al. (2011), and using a wave celerity of 1 km/h. This file was prepared using a Fortran program. kfac_San_Guad_celerity.csv. This CSV file contains a first guess of Muskingum k values (in seconds) for all river reaches. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_San_Guad.csv. The values were computed based on the following NHDPlus fields: COMID, LENGTHKM, Equation (13) in David et al. (2011), and using the wave celerity numbers of Table 2 in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using a Fortran program. k_San_Guad_2004_1.csv. This CSV file contains Muskingum k values (in seconds) for all river reaches. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_San_Guad.csv. The values were computed based on the following NHDPlus fields: COMID, LENGTHKM, and using Equation (17) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using a Fortran program. k_San_Guad_2004_2.csv. This CSV file contains Muskingum k values (in seconds) for all river reaches. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_San_Guad.csv. The values were computed based on the following NHDPlus fields: COMID, LENGTHKM, and using Equation (18) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using a Fortran program. k_San_Guad_2004_3.csv. This CSV file contains Muskingum k values (in seconds) for all river reaches. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_San_Guad.csv. The values were computed based on the following NHDPlus fields: COMID, LENGTHKM, and using Equation (19) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using a Fortran program. k_San_Guad_2004_4.csv. This CSV file contains Muskingum k values (in seconds) for all river reaches. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_San_Guad.csv. The values were computed based on the following NHDPlus fields: COMID, LENGTHKM, and using Equation (21) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using a Fortran program. x_San_Guad_2004_1.csv. This CSV file contains Muskingum x values (dimensionless) for all river reaches. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_San_Guad.csv. The values were computed based on Equation (17) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using a Fortran program. x_San_Guad_2004_2.csv. This CSV file contains Muskingum x values (dimensionless) for all river reaches. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_San_Guad.csv. The values were computed based on Equation (18) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using a Fortran program. x_San_Guad_2004_3.csv. This CSV file contains Muskingum x values (dimensionless) for all river reaches. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_San_Guad.csv. The values were computed based on Equation (19) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using a Fortran program. x_San_Guad_2004_4.csv. This CSV file contains Muskingum x values (dimensionless) for all river reaches. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_San_Guad.csv. The values were computed based on Equation (21) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using a Fortran program. basin_id_San_Guad_hydroseq.csv. This CSV file contains the list of unique IDs of NHDPlus river reaches (COMID) in the San Antonio and Guadalupe River Basins. The river reaches are sorted from upstream to downstream. The values were computed using the following NHDPlus fields: COMID and HYDROSEQ. This file was prepared using Excel. Qout_San_Guad_1460days_p1_dtR=900s.nc. This netCDF file contains the 3-hourly averaged outputs (in cubic meters per second) from RAPID corresponding to the downstream point of each reach. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to basin_id_San_Guad_hydroseq.csv. The time range for this file is from 2004-01-01T00:00-06:00 to 2007-12-31-00:00-06:00. The values were computed using the Muskingum method with parameters of Equation (17) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using RAPID v1.0.0 running with the preonly ILU solver on one core. Qout_San_Guad_1460days_p2_dtR=900s.nc. This netCDF file contains the 3-hourly averaged outputs (in cubic meters per second) from RAPID corresponding to the downstream point of each reach. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to basin_id_San_Guad_hydroseq.csv. The time range for this file is from 2004-01-01T00:00-06:00 to 2007-12-31-00:00-06:00. The values were computed using the Muskingum method with parameters of Equation (18) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using RAPID v1.0.0 running with the preonly ILU solver on one core. Qout_San_Guad_1460days_p3_dtR=900s.nc. This netCDF file contains the 3-hourly averaged outputs (in cubic meters per second) from RAPID corresponding to the downstream point of each reach. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to basin_id_San_Guad_hydroseq.csv. The time range for this file is from 2004-01-01T00:00-06:00 to 2007-12-31-00:00-06:00. The values were computed using the Muskingum method with parameters of Equation (19) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using RAPID v1.0.0 running with the preonly ILU solver on one core. Qout_San_Guad_1460days_p4_dtR=900s.nc. This netCDF file contains the 3-hourly averaged outputs (in cubic meters per second) from RAPID corresponding to the downstream point of each reach. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to basin_id_San_Guad_hydroseq.csv. The time range for this file is from 2004-01-01T00:00-06:00 to 2007-12-31-00:00-06:00. The values were computed using the Muskingum method with parameters of Equation (21) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using RAPID v1.0.0 running with the preonly ILU solver on one core. QoutR_San_Guad_182days_p1_dtR=900s.nc. This netCDF file contains the 15-min outputs (in cubic meters per second) from RAPID corresponding to the downstream point of each reach. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to basin_id_San_Guad_hydroseq.csv. The time range for this file is from 2004-01-01T00:00-06:00 to 2004-07-01-00:00-06:00. The values were computed using the Muskingum method with parameters of Equation (17) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using RAPID v1.0.0 running with the preonly ILU solver on one core. QoutR_San_Guad_182days_p2_dtR=900s.nc. This netCDF file contains the 15-min outputs (in cubic meters per second) from RAPID corresponding to the downstream point of each reach. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to basin_id_San_Guad_hydroseq.csv. The time range for this file is from 2004-01-01T00:00-06:00 to 2004-07-01-00:00-06:00. The values were computed using the Muskingum method with parameters of Equation (18) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using RAPID v1.0.0 running with the preonly ILU solver on one core. QoutR_San_Guad_182days_p3_dtR=900s.nc. This netCDF file contains the 15-min outputs (in cubic meters per second) from RAPID corresponding to the downstream point of each reach. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to basin_id_San_Guad_hydroseq.csv. The time range for this file is from 2004-01-01T00:00-06:00 to 2004-07-01-00:00-06:00. The values were computed using the Muskingum method with parameters of Equation (19) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using RAPID v1.0.0 running with the preonly ILU solver on one core. QoutR_San_Guad_182days_p4_dtR=900s.nc. This netCDF file contains the 15-min outputs (in cubic meters per second) from RAPID corresponding to the downstream point of each reach. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to basin_id_San_Guad_hydroseq.csv. The time range for this file is from 2004-01-01T00:00-06:00 to 2004-07-01-00:00-06:00. The values were computed using the Muskingum method with parameters of Equation (21) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using RAPID v1.0.0 running with the preonly ILU solver on one core. gage_id_San_Guad_2004_2007_full.csv. This CSV file contains the list of COMIDs of rivers containing USGS gauges and with full daily data record. The river reaches are sorted in increasing value of COMID. The time range used for determining a full record is daily from 2004-01-01T00:00-06:00 to 2008-01-01T00:00-06:00. The values were computed using the following NHDPlus field: COMID. This file was prepared using ArcGIS, HydroGET, and Excel. Qobs_San_Guad_2004_2007_full.csv. This CSV file contains daily averaged measured stream flow (in cubic meters per second). The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to gage_id_San_Guad_2004_2007_full.csv. The time range for the daily values is from 2004-01-01T00:00-06:00 to 2008-01-01T00:00-06:00. The values were computed using the following NHDPlus field: COMID, and the observations from NWIS. This file was prepared using ArcGIS, HydroGET, and Excel. Description of files for the Upper Mississippi River Basin All files below were prepared by Cédric H. David, using the data sources and software mentioned above. rapid_connect_Reg07.csv. This CSV file contains the river network connectivity information and is based on the unique IDs of NHDPlus reaches (the COMIDs). For each river reach, this file specifies: the COMID of the reach, the COMID of the unique downstream reach, the number of upstream reaches with a maximum of four reaches, and the COMIDs of all upstream reaches. A value of zero is used in place of NoData. The river reaches are sorted in increasing value of COMID. The values were computed using a combination of the following NHDPlus fields: COMID, DIVERGENCE, FROMNODE and TONODE. This file was prepared using ArcGIS and Excel. m3_riv_Reg07_100days_dummy.nc. This netCDF file contains the 3-hourly accumulated inflows of water (in cubic meters) from surface and subsurface runoff into the upstream point of each river reach. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_Reg07.csv. The time range for this file is for 100 fictitious days. The values were computed using a unique value of 1 cubic meter for all river reaches and all time steps. This file was prepared using a Fortran program. kfac_Reg07_2.5ms.csv. This CSV file contains a first guess of Muskingum k values (in seconds) for all river reaches. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_Reg07.csv. The values were computed based on the following NHDPlus fields: COMID, LENGTHKM, and using Equation (22) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using a Fortran program. xfac_Reg07_0.3.csv. This CSV file contains a first guess of Muskingum x values (dimensionless) for all river reaches. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to rapid_connect_Reg07.csv. The values were computed based on Equation (22) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using a Fortran program. basin_id_Reg07_hydroseq.csv. This CSV file contains the list of unique IDs of NHDPlus river reaches (COMID) in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. The river reaches are sorted from upstream to downstream. The values were computed using the following NHDPlus fields: COMID and HYDROSEQ. This file was prepared using Excel. Qout_Reg07_100days_pfac_dtR900s.nc. This netCDF file contains the 3-hourly averaged outputs (in cubic meters per second) from RAPID corresponding to the downstream point of each reach. The river reaches have the same COMIDs and are sorted similarly to basin_id_Reg07_hydroseq.csv. The time range for this file spans 100 fictitous days. The values were computed using the Muskingum method with parameters of Equation (22) in David et al. (2011). This file was prepared using RAPID v1.0.0 running with the preonly ILU solver on one core. Known bugs and limitations in this dataset or the associated manuscript. The confluence of the Missouri River and the Upper Mississippi River upstream of Saint Louis, MO was overlooked. The contribution from the Missouri River is therefore not accounted for in the network connectivity corresponding to the Upper Mississippi River Basin. This has no effect on the conclusions of David et al. (2011) since the Upper Mississippi River Basin was studied with synthetic data and solely to evaluate parallel performance of RAPID. Funding This work was partially supported by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration under the Interdisciplinary Science Project NNX07AL79G; by the U.S. National Science Foundation under project EAR-0413265: CUAHSI Hydrologic Information Systems; by Ecole des Mines de Paris, France; and by the American Geophysical Union under a Horton (Hydrology) Research Grant.
Date made availableOct 1 2011

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