R markdown source code and intermediate data required to reproduce the main analysis and figures in:
<em>Gauthier et al, 2021, </em>"Pattern-based downscaling of snowpack variability in the western United States", <em>Climate Dynamics,</em> https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-06094-z.
The file `analysis.rmd` contains all the code necessary to reproduce the main analysis and figures from the paper, as well as additional supplemental analyses. Preprocessed data sufficient to run the main analysis are available in `R/sysdata.rda`. The script used to generate these preprocessed data can be found in `data-raw/DATASET.R`. Raw data are either included in the `data-raw/` directory or can be downloaded from publicly-available sources linked in the manuscript.
Downscaled 8km snow water equivalent maps for 1901-2010 over the western US, generated from this code, are available at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5110319.
The R scripts in this research compendium are earlier, purpose-built versions of those included in the tidyEOF R package, preserved here to exactly reproduce the analyses in the above paper. For any new analyses using these scripts, please refer to the latest version of tidyEOF available at: https://github.com/nick-gauthier/tidyEOF.
Date made available | 2021 |
Publisher | ZENODO |