Photograph captions A from: Spence J, Kavanaugh D, Maddison DR, Boyd O, Brandmayr P, Garner B, Maveety S, Mosquera D, Moore W, Riley K, Shorthouse J, Sims L, Steiner W, Swing K, Turin H, Zamorano LS, Penev L (2021) Memories of Terry Erwin. In: Spence J, Casale A, Assmann T, Liebherr JК, Penev L (Eds) Systematic Zoology and Biodiversity Science: A tribute to Terry Erwin (1940-2020). ZooKeys 1044: 1001-1036.

  • John R. Spence (Contributor)
  • David H. Kavanaugh (Contributor)
  • David R. Maddison (Contributor)
  • Olivia Boyd (Contributor)
  • Pietro Brandmayr (Contributor)
  • Beulah Garner (Contributor)
  • Sarah Maveety (Contributor)
  • Diego Mosquera (Contributor)
  • Wendy Moore Brusca (Contributor)
  • Kathryn Riley (Contributor)
  • Joseph Shorthouse (Contributor)
  • Kelly Swing (Contributor)
  • Hans Turin (Contributor)
  • Laura S. Zamorano (Contributor)
  • Lyubomir Penev (Contributor)



Photograph captions A Photograph captions. A Floating back to the Estación de Biodiversidad Tiputini, Orellana, Ecuador on the Rio Tiputini after a morning of collecting in the blackwater swamp upstream of the station, 30 June 2017 B Terry Erwin aspirating small carabids (Meotachys and Oxydrepanus) from leaf litter, Sendero Chichico, 21 June 2017. Photographs: O. Boyd.
Date made availableJun 16 2021

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