Marine background and plume aerosol measurements off the coast of California in July-August 2011 during E-PEACE (Eastern Pacific Emitted Aerosol Cloud Experiment)

  • Lynn M. Russell (Creator)
  • Armin Sorooshian (Creator)
  • John H. Seinfeld (Creator)
  • Lars Ahlm (Creator)
  • Amanda A. Frossard (Creator)
  • Haflidi Jonsson (Contributor)
  • Robin Modini (Creator)
  • Johannes Mülmenstädt (Contributor)
  • Greg C. Roberts (Creator)
  • K. J. Sanchez (Creator)



Reading data in ICARTT Format (.ict files): Dates and times in file names are in UTC. The date and time in the file name give the date/time at which the data within the file begin. For more information on reading and understanding the data in ICARTT format visit: If you are using Igor Pro, you should be able to use this software to read the files: Alternatively, you can open the .ict files directly using the import data tool in excel. Raw HDF AMS data can be analyzed with SQUIRREL and PIKA, which are available here on AMS wiki site from CU Boulder:
Date made available2017
PublisherUC San Diego Library Digital Collections
  • Meteorological and aerosol effects on marine cloud microphysical properties

    Sanchez, K. J., Russell, L. M., Modini, R. L., Frossard, A. A., Ahlm, L., Corrigan, C. E., Roberts, G. C., Hawkins, L. N., Schroder, J. C., Bertram, A. K., Zhao, R., Lee, A. K. Y., Lin, J. J., Nenes, A., Wang, Z., Wonaschütz, A., Sorooshian, A., Noone, K. J., Jonsson, H. & Toom, D. & 3 others, Macdonald, A. M., Leaitch, W. R. & Seinfeld, J. H., 2016, In: Journal of geophysical research. 121, 8, p. 4142-4161 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    29 Scopus citations

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