The code is used to analyze data and produce the main figures for the manuscript (Xu et al., Jet stream controls on European climate and agriculture since 1300 CE. Nature, 2024, We used three temperature-sensitive tree-ring maximum chronologies from Europe to reconstruct the North-Atlantic-Europe Jet Stream Latitude (EU JSL). The EU JSL can capture the variability of dipolar patterns in temperature and precipitation extremes between Southern Europe and Northern Europe in summer (July-August). We extended the EU JSL to 1300 CE based on a multiple linear regression transfer function, which can explain the total variance of about 38.5% over the instrumental period (1945-2005, from NCEP reanalysis dataset V1.0). We then explore the relationships between EU JSL and temperature and precipitation over a long-term scale. We also explored the relationships between EU JSL extremes, crop failure events, and some social events over the past seven centuries. We found that the climate and societal extremes have been influenced by a summertime climatic dipole between northwestern and southeastern Europe, driven by EU JSL. Using the reconstruction, we explore relationships between EU JSL and climate and societal extremes using independent historical documentary datasets. We highlight the imprint of the EU JSL climate dipole on not only historical climate extremes, but also on the dipole's biophysical (e.g., grape harvest, wildfire), economic (e.g., wine quality and grain price), and even demographic (e.g., mortality and epidemics) impacts. The code is for the data analysis and visualization. We used R 4.2 version in the Windows 11 platform. Before re-running the code, please read the following instructions: 1. Download all the input data and the R folder (all of the code). Please put the input data into a folder named input. We uploaded the temp and precip reconstruction data for the European domain. 2. Create a similar structure for the folders. 3. Before running the code, please unzip the crop data in the folder "./input/crop/*.zip", two large crop NetCDF fromat dataset. 4. Before running the main code "test all.R", please set you-work-path and run "setwd ("YOURPATH")" command line. 5. Some results or data in the output folder can be produced when run the code, you can also directly input them from the input folder in the next step to save time. 6. For the visualization, some of the arrangements are finished in Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop. 7. This is the main code for the manuscript, we would be improved or modified during the peer review. 8. If you have any questions or warnings during the re-run, please get in touch with me ([email protected]; [email protected]). If you have any suggestions or comments, please also let me know. Best wishes, Guobao
Date made available | Jul 29 2024 |
Publisher | ZENODO |