
Soil solution samples in the Jemez River Basin field sites of the Catalina-Jemez Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) are collected with the following two types of soil solution samplers: i) Prenart Super Quartz suction cups ( Prenart suction cups are optimized for all chemistry analyses and were installed without addition of Si-slurry to allow for artifact-free Si analyses. Applied suction for each Prenart is ~ 60 kPa. ii) Custom made, fiberglass wick-based passive capillary wick samplers (PCaps, Perdrial et al. 2012). PCaps are optimized for water flux determination and sampling for organic carbon, most (non-carbonate) anions and trace metals. PCap samples should however not be used for major cations (Na, Mg, Si, K, Ca) and dissolved inorganic carbon because of artifacts from the fiberglass materials (see Perdrial et al (2014) for a complete list). Passive (continuous) suction, based on the length of the hanging water column, is ~3 kPa. Soil solution samplers were installed in each of six pedons in the Mixed Conifer Zero Order Basin (MC-ZOB) and the fire impacted site (2011 Burned ZOB) at 3 (PCaps) and 4 (Prenarts) depths, respectively. Pedon locations were selected to capture differences in catchment aspect (MC-ZOB SE facing: Pit 3 and 4, NW facing: Pit 1 and 6), landscape position (MC-ZOB: hollow Pit 2 and 5, planar Pit 1 and 6, divergent Pit 3, convergent Pit 4), elevation and burn severity (co-varying in 2011 Burned ZOB: low Pit 1 and 2, mid Pit 3, high Pit 4 to 6). All samplers are collocated with Decagon soil moisture and temperature probes. MC-ZOB was subject to a high intensity wildfire (Thompson Ridge fire) in June 2013 and was then renamed to 2013 Burned ZOB.
Date made availableJun 6 2019
PublisherInterdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA)
Geographical coverageValles Caldera, Jemez River Basin, New Mexico

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