Expressive language sampling as a source of outcome measures for treatment studies in fragile X syndrome: feasibility, practice effects, test-retest reliability, and construct validity

  • Leonard Abbeduto (Creator)
  • Elizabeth Berry-Kravis (Creator)
  • Audra Sterling (Creator)
  • Stephanie L. Sherman (Creator)
  • Jamie O Edgin (Creator)
  • Andrea McDuffie (Creator)
  • Anne Hoffmann (Creator)
  • Debra Hamilton (Creator)
  • Michael N. Nelson (Creator)
  • Jeannie Aschkenasy (Creator)
  • Angela John Thurman (Creator)
  • Leonard Abbeduto (Creator)



Abstract Background The evaluation of treatment efficacy for individuals with fragile X syndrome (FXS) or intellectual disability (ID) more generally has been hampered by the lack of adequate outcome measures. We evaluated expressive language sampling (ELS) as a procedure for generating outcome measures for treatment research in FXS. We addressed: (a) feasibility, (b) practice effects over two administrations, (c) test-retest reliability over the repeated administrations, and (d) construct validity. We addressed these issues for the full sample as well as for subgroups defined by age, IQ, and ASD status. Methods Participants were 106 individuals with FXS between ages 6 and 23 years who had IQs within the range of intellectual disability (IQ
Date made available2020

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