Dual-tool multiplexing model of parallel computer controlled optical surfacing

  • Xiaolong Ke (Creator)
  • Tianyi Wang (Creator)
  • Heejoo Choi (Creator)
  • Weslin Pullen (Creator)
  • Lei Huang (Creator)
  • Mourad Idir (Creator)
  • Daewook Kim (Contributor)



Fabrication of large optics is a time-consuming process and requires a vast investment in manpower and financial resources. Increasing the material removal rate of polishing tools and minimizing dwell time are two common ways of reducing the processing time. Indeed, the polishing efficiency can be further improved if multiple tools are used at the same time. In this letter we propose a dual-tool deterministic polishing model which multiplexes the dwell time and optimizes the run parameters of two polishing tools simultaneously. The run velocities of the two tools are coordinated by boundary conditions with a velocity adjustment algorithm and the corresponding polishing paths are studied. We demonstrate this model with a simulation of polishing one segment of the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) that, with the proposed dual-tool multiplexing, the processing time of an 8.4 m diameter mirror has been reduced by 50.54% compared with that using two tools in sequential schedule.
Date made available2020
PublisherThe Optical Society

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