This is a data release of data presented in the report "Binational Study of the Transboundary San Pedro Aquifer", Callegary and others, 2016. The United States and Mexico share waters in a number of hydrological basins and aquifers that cross the International Boundary. Both the United States and Mexico recognize that, in a region of scarce water and expanding populations, better scientific understanding of water quantity and quality in these aquifer systems would benefit decision makers planning and managing water resources on both sides of the border. A focus on the sustainability of the aquifer and the San Pedro River which it supports would benefit both Mexico and the United States. These include the fact that the aquifer is transboundary in nature, the river has an elevated ecological value because of the riparian ecosystem it sustains, and that water resources are needed to permit continued development. Recognizing these goals, an agreement was made to integrate hydrologic and other pertinent data from both countries and to proceed with this joint binational study of the San Pedro River transboundary aquifer. Data included in this data release: TAAP San Pedro Basin boundary, "TAAP_SV_MX_aquifer_merge.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin National Elevation Dataset Hillshade, "TAAP_SP_HillshadeNED.jpg", raster TAAP San Pedro Basin Percent Slope, "taap_sp_slope", raster TAAP San Pedro Basin Nearby Towns with Populations Greater Than 1000, "TAAP_SP_Nearby_Towns_Pop1000.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin town of Cananea location, "TAAP_SP_Cananea_reproject.shp" TAAP San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, "TAAP_SPRNCA_reproject.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin San Pedro River, "TAAP_SP_SanPedroRiver.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Surface-water Drainages, "TAAP_SP_drain_strahler_new.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Drainages, orders 4-7, "TAAP_SP_Drainages_order4-7.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Physiographic Provinces, "TAAP_SP_Physiography.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Soils in Arizona, "TAAP_SP_soils_AZ.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Soils in Mexico, "TAAP_SP_edafologia_clip_prj.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Natural Vegetation, "TAAP_SP_natvg", image TAAP Koppen-Geiger Climate areas, "TAAP_KG_clim", raster TAAP San Pedro Basin Mean Annual Temperature, "TAAP_mn_temp", raster TAAP San Pedro Basin Minimum Temperature of the Coldest Month, "TAAP_min_temp", raster TAAP San Pedro Basin Maximum Temperature of the Warmest Month, "TAAP_max_temp", raster TAAP San Pedro Basin Mean Annual Precipitation, "TAAP_mn_precip.tif" TAAP San Pedro Basin Mean Monthly precipitation in January for the San Pedro Basin Area, "TAAP_jan_pcp", raster TAAP San Pedro Basin Mean Monthly precipitation in August for the San Pedro Basin Area, "TAAP_aug_pcp", raster TAAP San Pedro Basin Landownership in Arizona, "TAAP_AZ_landownership.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Landownership in Sonora, MX, "TAAP_MX_landownership.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Surficial Geology, "TAAP_SP_geo15.tif" TAAP San Pedro Basin Depth to Bedrock, "TAAP_SP_depthbedrock_rectify2.tif" TAAP San Pedro Basin Bouguer Anomaly, "TAAP_SP_MX_residual.tif" TAAP San Pedro Basin Residual Gravity - Arizona, "taap_az_res" raster TAAP San Pedro Basin Electromagnetic Survey - San Pedro Basin, AZ, "TAAP_SP_AZ_EM_shallow.tif" TAAP San Pedro Basin, MX, Resistivity at 1100 m.a.s.l., "TAAP_SP_a_1100.tif" TAAP San Pedro Basin, MX, Resistivity at 1200 m.a.s.l., "TAAP_SP_b_1200.tif" TAAP San Pedro Basin, MX, Resistivity at 1300 m.a.s.l., "TAAP_SP_c_1300.tif" TAAP San Pedro Basin, MX Resistivity at 1400 m.a.s.l., "TAAP_SP_d_1400.tif" TAAP San Pedro Basin Observed Piezometric Surface, "TAAP_SP_Obs_2002_WLalt_uppermost_layer_20mCL.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Static Water-Level Wells in AZ, "TAAP_SP_GWSI_clip.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Static Water-Level Wells in Sonora, MX, "TAAP_SP_censo2011.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Depth To Water Wells in AZ, "TAAP_SP_GWSI_DTW_2000.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Depth to Water Wells in Sonora, MX, "TAAP_SP_censo2011_dtw.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Depth to Water Contours, "TAAP_SP_dtw_contours.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Water-Level Elevation Contours, "TAAP_SP_elev_ne_50.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Binational Hydrograph Data, "TAAP_SP_Binational_Hydrograph_Data.csv" TAAP San Pedro Basin Transmissivity Data, "TAAP_SP_Transmisividad.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Arizona and Sonora field parameters, "TAAP_SP_AZ_MX_field_param.shp" TAAP San Pedro Basin Arizona and Sonora geochemistry, "TAAP_SP_AZ_MX_geoquimica.shp"
Date made available | 2018 |
Publisher | U.S. Geological Survey |