CABra: a novel large-sample dataset for Brazilian catchments

  • André Almagro (Contributor)
  • Paulo Tarso Sanches Oliveira (Contributor)
  • Antonio A. Meira Neto (Contributor)
  • Tirthankar Roy (Contributor)
  • Peter A Troch (Contributor)



Hydrometeorological time series and catchment attributes from the CABra dataset. The manuscript of "CABra: a novel large-sample dataset for Brazilian catchments" is under review in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) journal. Here we present the Catchments Attributes for Brazil (CABra), which is a large-sample dataset for Brazilian catchments that includes long-term data (30 years) for 735 catchments in eight main catchment attribute classes (climate, streamflow, groundwater, geology, soil, topography, land-use and land-cover, and hydrologic disturbance). We have collected and synthesized data from multiple sources (ground stations, remote sensing, and gridded datasets). To prepare the dataset, we delineated all the catchments using the Multi-Error-Removed Improved-Terrain Digital Elevation Model and the coordinates of the streamflow stations provided by the Brazilian Water Agency (ANA), where only the stations with 30 years (1980-2010) of data and less than 10% of missing records were included. Catchment areas range from 9 to 4,800,000 km² and the mean daily streamflow varies from 0.02 to 9 mm day-1. Several signatures and indices were calculated based on the climate and streamflow data. Additionally, our dataset includes boundary shapefiles, geographic coordinates, and drainage area for each catchment, aside from more than 100 attributes within the attribute classes. Data can be also accessed at: * Inconsistency in catchment information (longitude, latitude, area) in the daily climate files have been corrected in this version.
Date made available2021

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