Additional file 6: Figure S6. of Laminin 521 maintains differentiation potential of mouse and human satellite cell-derived myoblasts during long-term culture expansion

  • Christopher M. Penton (Creator)
  • Vasudeo Badarinarayana (Contributor)
  • Joy Prisco (Creator)
  • Elaine Powers (Creator)
  • Mark Pincus (Creator)
  • Ronald E. Allen (Creator)
  • Paul R. August (Creator)



Cell counts for freshly isolated and expanded myoblasts reveal similar cell adherence across all matrices. (A) Cell counts from freshly isolated Dba, BL6, and BL10 cells 5 days post isolation show similar cell adherence on all matrices. (B) Cell counts for Dba, BL6, and BL10 myoblasts after passage 8 (8 h post plating) reveal similar cell adherence on all matrices following long-term culture. N = 3 biological replicates (1 each for BL6, Bl10, and Dba). Differences were not found to be statistically different by one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni correction. Mean column includes standard deviation values.
Date made available2016

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