Additional file 5: of Analysis of networks of host proteins in the early time points following HIV transduction

  • [No Value] Csosz (Contributor)
  • Ferenc Tóth (Creator)
  • Mohamed Mahdi (Creator)
  • George Tsaprailis (Scripps Research Institute) (Creator)
  • Miklós Emri (Creator)
  • J. Tozsér (Contributor)



Statistical analysis of network parameters. The FDR-corrected p value and z score for the 4 h and 12 h time points, respectively, in case of each network parameter calculated (N, Nf, Nn, E, Ef, En, Ec, S, Sf, Sn, Sc, D, Df, Dn, Dc, Rf, Rn, Rc) for each GO function presented in Additional file 4. (XLSX 287 kb)
Date made available2019

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