Additional file 4 of Dynamics of dark fermentation microbial communities in the light of lactate and butyrate production

  • Anna Detman (Creator)
  • Daniel Laubitz (Creator)
  • Aleksandra Chojnacka (Creator)
  • Pawel R Kiela (Creator)
  • Agnieszka Salamon (Creator)
  • Albert Barberan (Creator)
  • Yongjian Chen (Creator)
  • Fei Yang (Creator)
  • Mieczysław K. Błaszczyk (Creator)
  • Anna Sikora (Creator)



Additional file 3. Alpha Diversity (a. Shannon, b. Simpson) of the MCs selected in time in the static batch experiments for each collection day, except day 0, which is an inoculation day. The lower and upper hinges represent the first and third quartiles respectively. The whiskers extends to the largest and lowest values. The middle line represents the median value.
Date made available2021

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