Additional file 3 of txci-ATAC-seq: a massive-scale single-cell technique to profile chromatin accessibility

  • Hao Zhang (Creator)
  • Julie Ledford (Creator)
  • Darren A. Cusanovich (Creator)
  • Natalie Iannuzo (Creator)
  • Ryan M. Mulqueen (Creator)
  • James J. Galligan (Creator)
  • Dominique O. Farrera (Creator)



Additional file 3: Table S2. Enriched motifs in more accessible and less accessible peaks in response to CC16 deficiency for each cell type. This table is provided as a separate file. Column 1: Cell type in which the test was performed. Column 2: Changing direction of differentially accessible peaks that were used to perform the test. Column 3: Motif ID. Column 4: Motif name. Column 5: The number of differential peaks that contain the motif identified. Column 6: The number of background peaks that contain the motif identified. Column 7: The percentage of differential peaks that contain the motif identified. Column 8: The percentage of background peaks that contain the motif identified. Column 9: The ratio of the observed frequency of the motif in differential peaks to the expected frequency calculated by the background peaks. Column 10: Raw p-value. Column 11: FDR-adjusted p-value.
Date made available2024

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