Additional file 3 of PTK2-associated gene signature could predict the prognosis of IPF

  • Garrett Grischo (Creator)
  • Praveen D. Wickremasinghe (Creator)
  • Kenneth S Knox (Creator)
  • Yesenia Moreno Caro (Creator)
  • Timothy Marlowe (Creator)
  • Michaela Polmann (Creator)
  • Stephen M. Black (Creator)
  • Mrinalini Kala (Creator)
  • Anlin Feng (Creator)
  • Colin Gardner (Creator)



Additional file 3: Figure S2. Defactinib (FAK inhibitor) reduced fibrotic markers in DHLF-IPF cells. A) Defactinib reduced fibrotic markers, B) pY397-FAK, and alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), in DHLF-IPF cells, C) cellular morphology of DHLF-IPF cells.
Date made available2024

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