Additional file 2 of The core autophagy machinery is not required for chloroplast singlet oxygen-mediated cell death in the Arabidopsis thaliana plastid ferrochelatase two mutant
Additional file 2: Table S1.List of autophagy-related genes and expression data used in heatmap generation.Table S2. List of predicted microautophagy-related genes and expressiondata used in heatmap generation. Table S3. Mutants used in this study. TableS4. Primers use in this study.
Lemke, M. D. (Creator), Fisher, K. E. (Creator), Kozlowska, M. A. (Creator), Tano, D. W. (Creator), Woodson, J. D. (Creator) (2021). Additional file 2 of The core autophagy machinery is not required for chloroplast singlet oxygen-mediated cell death in the Arabidopsis thaliana plastid ferrochelatase two mutant. figshare. 10.6084/m9.figshare.15020759