Additional file 1: of Novel TNF receptor-1 inhibitors identified as potential therapeutic candidates for traumatic brain injury

  • Rachel K. Rowe (Creator)
  • Jordan L. Harrison (Creator)
  • Hongtao Zhang (Contributor)
  • Adam D. Bachstetter (Creator)
  • David P. Hesson (Creator)
  • Bruce F. O'Hara (Contributor)
  • Mark I. Greene (Creator)
  • Jonathan Lifshitz (University of Arizona, Phoenix Veteran Affairs Healthcare System, St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center) (Creator)



Figure S1. Uninjured sham mice showed no significant drug-induced change in sleep compared to baseline or the vehicle treated group. (A) There was no significant treatment effect on sleep in uninjured sham mice when compared to their pre-treatment baseline sleep (F2,6 = 0.6759, p = 0.5436). (B) The change in cumulative sleep from vehicle-treated shams was calculated and there was no significant treatment effect on sleep in the C7-treated or SGT-treated shams (t4 = 1.689, p = 0.1665). (TIF 152 kb)
Date made available2018

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