Additional file 1: Figure S1. of ROCK activity and the Gβγ complex mediate chemotactic migration of mouse bone marrow-derived stromal cells

  • Caroline M. Ryan (Creator)
  • James A.L. Brown (Creator)
  • Emer Bourke (Creator)
  • Áine M. Prendergast (Creator)
  • Claire Kavanagh (Creator)
  • Zhonglin Liu (Contributor)
  • Peter Owens (Creator)
  • Georgina Shaw (Creator)
  • Walter Kolch (Creator)
  • Timothy O'Brien (Contributor)
  • Frank P. Barry (Creator)



Stages of BMSCs observed in culture. Permeabilised serum-starved BMSCs immunofluorescently stained with F-actin (red) and α-tubulin (green) and DNA counter-stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar = 10 μm. Representative BMSC stages observed are immotile, polarised, and actively motile. F-Actin filaments accumulate at the leading edge in polarised BMSCs. Actively motile BMSCs display an accumulation of F-Actin and α-tubulin at the cell edge orientated in the direction of movement. Isotype controls, mouse and rabbit (Thermo Fisher Scientific), demonstrate specificity of staining. BMSC bone marrow-derived stromal cell, DAPI 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. (PNG 558 kb)
Date made available2015

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